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Breast Augmentation: Patient 264
Breast Augmentation: Patient 264
Breast Augmentation: Patient 264

Breast augmentation isn't just for 20 and 30 year olds. This 67 year old patient came to me saying she had thought about breast implants for many years and was finally ready to move forward. She didn't want small breasts and if she was going to go through with this she wanted a significant volume change. We discussed her preexisting asymmetry and you can see in the photo that her left breast sits lower and droops more than the right. We decided to accept this asymmetry and forego a lift. A lift would have involved larger incision and a bigger recovery and this asymmetry does not bother her. I used two different sized implants as there is not only a drooping difference but a size difference here and placed 445cc implant on the left and a 495cc high profile Allergan SoftTouch gummy silicone breast implants. She loves her early result, fills out a dress and bathing suits, and is excited to enjoy her new figure!
- Age: Between 66 and 75 years old
- Weight: Between 100 and 115 pounds
- Height: 5'8" to 5'11"
- Gender: Female
- Post-op Timeline: 6 weeks
- Implant Type: Highly Cohesive Gel
- Implant Shape: Round
- Implant Incision: Inframammary
- Volume: Between 450cc to 500cc
- Implant Placement: Submuscular
- Pre-Surgery Bra Size: B
- Post-Surgery Bra Size: D
- Technique: Rapid Recovery Silicone Breast Augmentation