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Breast Augmentation: Patient 216
Breast Augmentation: Patient 216
Breast Augmentation: Patient 216

When a competitive bodybuilder comes in for breast implants we need to discuss best location for that implant. There are pros and cons of different pocket locations and it is a complicated discussion. For most women, I put the implants submuscular. For bodybuilders consideration needs to be given to placing it above the muscle as there will likely be implant migration over time and potential muscle flexion deformity if the implant is under the muscle. Mammograms are harder with implants above the muscle and capsular contracture rates are higher. These are very real cons to the location. An informed discussion needs to allow the patient to make the choice she is comfortable with. Here I placed 385cc silicone Natrelle Allergan SoftTouch breast implants above the muscle.
- Age: Between 36 and 45 years old
- Weight: Between 115 and 125 pounds
- Height: 5'0" to 5'3"
- Gender: Female
- Post-op Timeline: 6 weeks
- Implant Type: Cohesive Gel
- Implant Shape: Round
- Implant Incision: Inframammary
- Volume: Between 350cc and 400cc
- Implant Placement: Subglandular
- Pre-Surgery Bra Size: A
- Post-Surgery Bra Size: C
- Technique: Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation