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Breast Lift And Augmentation: Patient 33
Breast Lift And Augmentation: Patient 33
Breast Lift And Augmentation: Patient 33

This 30 year old lady came to me concerned with loss of volume and sagging breast appearance. When you look at her photos you can see that in her preoperative views she has lost all fullness above her nipples and that there is enough lax skin of the breast that the skin hangs. Simply putting an implant in this patient will yield a bigger droopy breast not a fuller, more shapely breast. Thus a breast lift is performed here along with placement of a 365cc silicone breast implant. She is shown before and after lollipop style vertical mastopexy at 3 months. Her incisions/scars are beginning to fade and will continue to fade for about a yeasr after surgery.
Technique: Vertical Mastopexy with Silicone Breast Implant
- Age: Between 25 and 35 years old
- Weight: Between 125 and 135 pounds
- Height: 5'4" to 5'7"
- Gender: Female
- Post-op Timeline: 3 months
- Implant Type: Cohesive Gel
- Implant Shape: Round
- Volume: Between 350cc and 400cc
- Pre-Surgery Bra Size: C
- Post-Surgery Bra Size: C